How to Drill a Square Hole in Wood

Drilling a square hole in wood isn’t just for the pros; it’s a handy skill that any DIY enthusiast can master with a bit of guidance. Whether you’re aiming to craft unique joineries, fit parts together precisely, or simply add an interesting visual element to your project, knowing how to make a square hole can open up new possibilities.

How to Drill a Square Hole in Wood

The key tool for this job is a square-hole drill bit, often referred to as a mortise chisel. This might sound specialized, but it’s accessible for hobbyists too.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to drill a square hole in wood, covering the tools you’ll need and important safety tips to keep in mind.

Tools We Need to Drill a Square Hole in Wood

Before you start drilling a square hole in wood, it’s important to gather all the necessary tools. Having the right tools not only makes the job easier but also ensures that you can work safely and efficiently. Here’s a list of the essential tools you’ll need:

  • Square hole drill bit (mortise chisel): This is the main tool for drilling square holes. It’s designed to cut square shapes out of wood.
  • Drill press or hand drill: A drill press is ideal for precision, but if you don’t have one, a standard hand drill will work too.
  • Wood clamps: These are used to hold the wood piece firmly in place while you work, preventing any movement that could cause inaccuracies or safety issues.
  • Measuring tape and pencil: Precision is key in woodworking. Use a measuring tape and pencil to mark exactly where you want to drill.
  • Safety goggles and gloves: Safety should always come first. Goggles will protect your eyes from wood chips and dust, while gloves will keep your hands safe.

Having these tools ready before you begin will make the process of drilling a square hole in wood much smoother. Remember, good preparation is half the job done. By ensuring you have the right tools and safety equipment, you’ll be set up for success in your woodworking project.

How to Drill a Square Hole in Wood 

Drilling a square hole in wood is a unique skill that can greatly enhance your woodworking projects.

Whether you’re a hobbyist or a professional, mastering this technique allows you to create strong joints and add a special touch to your work. Let’s walk through the steps to drill a square hole, focusing on accuracy and safety.

Mark Your Wood

Clearly mark the area where you want the square hole on your piece of wood. Use a pencil and a ruler to ensure the lines are straight and even. This will be your guide as you drill.

Begin by Accurately Measuring
the Spot Where the Square
Hole Needs to Be Drilled

Set Up Your Mortising Attachment

If you’re using a drill press, attach the mortising chisel and bit according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure it’s securely in place and aligned with your marked area.

Adjust the Depth

Most mortising tools allow you to set the depth of the hole you’re drilling. Adjust this according to the thickness of your wood and how deep you want the square hole to be.

Start Drilling

Position your wood under the mortising chisel and bit, lining up the drill bit with your marked area. Begin drilling, applying steady pressure. The drill bit will remove the bulk of the wood, and the chisel will square off the edges.

If You’re Using a Hand Drill
Carefully Attach the
Square Hole Drill Bit

Drilling Process

Begin drilling at a slow speed, applying steady and consistent pressure. This gradual approach is important as it allows the chisel to cut through the wood without causing any splits or damage. Initially, the chisel will create a round hole.

Begin Drilling at a Slow Speed
Applying Steady and
Consistent Pressure

Continue drilling and the chisel will start to carve out the square shape. It’s important to keep the drill as steady as possible. This ensures the edges of your square hole are clean and straight, which is essential for a neat finish.

Finishing the Hole

Once you reach the required depth, stop drilling and gently withdraw the drill bit from the wood. You’ll likely have some wood debris and chips in and around the hole.

Once You Reach the Required
Depth, Stop Drilling and Gently
Withdraw the Drill Bit From the Wood

Clear these away and take a look at your work. If the edges of the hole are a bit rough, you can smooth them out with a chisel or some sandpaper. This step is important for a professional-looking finish and for making sure the hole is exactly the right size.

Repeat for Multiple Holes

If your project requires more than one square hole, repeat the above steps for each. It’s important to measure and mark each hole location carefully. This ensures that all your holes are evenly spaced and aligned. Consistency is key for a project that looks professionally done.

Drilling a square hole in wood might seem challenging, but with patience and practice, it can be achieved. Remember, the key to success is in the preparation and steady execution of each step. As you gain experience, this skill will become a valuable part of your woodworking toolkit.


Drilling a square hole in wood is an incredibly useful skill for anyone who loves woodworking. It’s not just about making a hole it’s about precision and the ability to create something unique and custom-fit.

With the proper tools like a mortise chisel and a steady hand, you can craft clean and precise square holes that are essential for certain types of joinery and custom projects. The key to success is practice. This article has explored how to drill a square hole in wood.

Start with simple tasks and as you get more comfortable, challenge yourself with more complex projects. As you develop this skill, you’ll find it adds a new level of craftsmanship to your work, enabling you to tackle a wide variety of creative and functional projects with confidence and skill.

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