How to Hang Pictures on Stucco Walls without Drilling

Hanging pictures is a great way to make your home feel more personal and cozy. But if you’ve got stucco walls, you might find yourself scratching your head on how to put up your favorite photos or art without causing damage. Stucco is known for being durable and looking great, but it’s not the friendliest material when you want to hang something on it, especially if you’re trying to avoid drilling holes.

How to Hang Pictures on Stucco Walls without Drilling

This guide is here to help you figure out how to hang pictures on stucco walls without drilling. We’re going to show you some simple, drill-free ways to get your pictures up. These methods are not only effective but also straightforward to use, which means you can start decorating your space without any stress or worries about harming your walls.

You’ll discover how to keep your walls looking good as new while still being able to hang up all your favorite pictures. Whether you’re a renter looking to avoid losing your security deposit or just someone who loves their stucco walls too much to drill into them, these tips will make sure your pictures are hung securely and beautifully, without any damage.

Why You Need to Hang Pictures on Stucco Walls without Drilling

Stucco walls, with their distinct textured appearance and robust nature, are a popular choice in many homes. While they add a unique charm, these walls demand special care when it comes to decorating.

The composition of stucco is such that traditional methods like drilling can lead to cracks or even irreversible damage. This is a significant concern, especially for those who rent their homes or enjoy refreshing their decor often.

Why You Need to Hang Pictures on Stucco Walls without Drilling

Using non-invasive methods to hang pictures preserves the integrity of these walls. It’s crucial for renters who want to avoid problems with landlords over wall damage or fear losing their security deposits.

Learning to hang pictures without drilling opens up a world of possibilities for personalizing your space. It lets you express your style and change decorations as you please, all while keeping your stucco walls in pristine condition.

By mastering these techniques, you can decorate confidently, knowing that your walls are safe from harm and that your living space reflects your personal touch.

Tools We Need to Hang Pictures on Stucco Walls without Drilling

When it comes to hanging pictures on stucco walls without drilling, the right tools can make all the difference. These tools are designed to be gentle on your walls while still strong enough to hold your pictures securely. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

  • Adhesive Hooks or Strips: These are great for hanging pictures without leaving marks or holes. They come in various sizes and can hold different weights.
  • Picture Hanging Tape: This double-sided tape is a quick and easy option, especially for lighter frames.
  • Magnetic Paint: An innovative solution where you paint your wall with a magnetic layer and use magnets to hang your pictures.
  • Suction Cup Hooks: Perfect for small and light frames, these hooks stick to smooth surfaces and can be easily removed.
  • Command Strips: A popular choice, these strips are easy to apply and remove without damaging your stucco walls.

With these tools, you can hang your pictures confidently, knowing that your stucco walls will remain intact. Whether you’re a renter looking to avoid wall damage or just seeking a hassle-free way to decorate, these tools offer practical and effective solutions for displaying your favorite pictures.

How to Hang Pictures on Stucco Walls without Drilling

Hanging pictures on stucco walls without drilling is not only possible, but it can also be straightforward and effective with the right methods. Each method has its advantages and is suitable for different types of pictures and weights. Here’s a more detailed look at how you can achieve this:

Adhesive Hooks/Strips

The market is full of strong adhesive hooks and strips designed specifically for hanging pictures. When choosing these, look for ones that state they are suitable for use on stucco.

Adhesive Hooks for Stucco Wall

Make sure to check the weight limit to ensure they can hold your picture securely. Follow the instructions carefully, usually involving cleaning the wall first, applying the strip, and waiting a specified amount of time before hanging the picture.

Picture Hanging Tape

Using Picture Hanging Tape

For lighter frames, double-sided tape might do the trick. There are heavy-duty varieties available that can safely hold a surprising amount of weight. Just like with adhesive hooks, make sure the surface is clean before applying the tape to both the wall and the frame.

Magnetic Paint

This innovative solution involves painting a section of your wall with magnetic paint. Once the paint dries, you can use strong magnets to hold your pictures against the wall. This method is great for those who like to switch things up often, as it allows for easy repositioning of pictures without any damage to the walls. Plus, it adds a unique and modern touch to your décor.

This Innovative Solution Involves
Painting a Section of Your
Wall With Magnetic Paint

Look into Gravity Hooks

Gravity hooks are a clever solution that doesn’t require sticking anything to the wall. Instead, they rely on the weight of the picture to lock the mechanism in place. They’re inserted at the top of the wall where it meets the ceiling, a spot often softer than the stucco itself, making it easier to insert without drilling.

Use Outdoor Mounting Tape

This is another adhesive option but is generally stronger and designed to withstand different weather conditions, making it a good choice for stucco walls. It’s perfect for heavier frames but remember, removing it might require a bit more work to avoid damaging the paint.

Suction Cup Hooks

These are perfect for hanging very light and small frames. To ensure a stronghold, the stucco wall needs to be relatively smooth where the suction cup will be placed. These hooks are easy to move and leave no marks, making them ideal for temporary or seasonal decorations.

Command Strips

A widely used and trusted option, Command Strips offers a damage-free way to hang pictures. They come in various sizes and are rated for different weights, making them versatile for many types of frames. It’s crucial to follow the application instructions carefully.

One of the advantages of Command Strips is that they can be removed cleanly, leaving your stucco walls as good as new. Hanging pictures on stucco walls without drilling can be achieved through these innovative methods.

Each offers a reliable way to display your pictures without the worry of damaging your walls. Whether you’re in a rental property, planning to change your décor frequently, or simply want to preserve the condition of your stucco walls, these methods provide effective solutions for your picture-hanging needs.

Precaution While Hanging Pictures on Stucco Walls without Drilling

When you choose to hang pictures on stucco walls without drilling, it’s important to take certain precautions to ensure both your walls and pictures remain safe. Here’s an expanded look at what you should keep in mind:

  • Check the Weight Limit: Before using any hanging method, always verify the weight limit it can support. This is crucial because exceeding the weight limit can cause the picture to fall, potentially damaging both the picture and the wall. Use a scale to weigh your picture and ensure the method you choose can handle it comfortably.
  • Test in a Small Area: It’s wise to test your chosen hanging method in a less visible area of the wall first. This helps you see if it works well with your stucco without leaving visible marks in more prominent places.
  • Avoid Hanging Valuables without Secure Methods: Be cautious with valuable or irreplaceable items. If you’re not completely sure about the security of the hanging method, it’s better to avoid using it for such items. Instead, look for alternatives that provide a stronger hold.
  • Consider the Wall’s Condition: Check the condition of your stucco wall. If it’s old or shows signs of wear, some hanging methods might not work as effectively. In such cases, it’s better to opt for the most gentle methods to prevent further damage.
  • Follow Instructions Carefully: No matter which method you choose, following the manufacturer’s instructions is key. This ensures that you use the product correctly and it performs as expected.
  • Be Mindful of Humidity and Temperature: Some adhesive methods may be affected by high humidity or temperature changes. In areas like bathrooms or kitchens, consider this factor to ensure your pictures stay securely in place.

By keeping these precautions in mind, you can safely hang your pictures on stucco walls without drilling, preserving the beauty of both your walls and your cherished pictures.


What Can I Use to Hang Pictures on Stucco Walls?

You have several options for hanging pictures on stucco walls without causing damage. Adhesive hooks and strips are user-friendly and leave no marks when removed. Picture hanging tape is another simple solution, particularly suitable for lighter frames.

Command strips offer a versatile and reliable option, coming in different sizes and strengths to accommodate various picture weights. It’s important to select the right product based on the weight of your picture and the texture of your stucco wall.

How Do You Hang Heavy Objects on Stucco Walls?

Hanging heavier items requires a bit more care. Combining adhesive hooks with picture-hanging tape can provide the extra support needed. First, ensure the hooks and tape you choose are designed for heavier weights.

Their combined weight capacity must be greater than the weight of the object you’re hanging. Distributing the weight across multiple hooks or strips can also help secure heavy items more effectively.

What Adhesive Works on Stucco?

When looking for adhesives for stucco walls, opt for those specifically rated for outdoor or heavy-duty use. These adhesives are formulated to stick better to textured surfaces like stucco.

They are more likely to hold up under various conditions, such as temperature changes and humidity, which are crucial factors for stucco surfaces.

Does Tape Stick to Stucco?

Yes, certain types of tape can stick to stucco, but it depends on the tape’s strength and quality. Heavy-duty double-sided tapes are often effective.

However, the success of tape sticking to stucco also depends on the wall’s texture. Smoother stucco surfaces are more likely to hold tape securely than very rough or uneven ones.

Is Stucco the Same as Concrete?

Stucco and concrete are not the same, though they are both used in building construction. Stucco is a mixture of cement, sand, and lime, applied over a metal wire or mesh frame, mainly used as a decorative coating for walls and ceilings.

It’s known for its textured appearance. On the other hand, concrete is a building material composed of cement, aggregates (like gravel and sand), and water. It is used for structural purposes due to its strength and durability.


Hanging pictures on stucco walls without drilling is not only feasible but also allows you to maintain the integrity of your walls. By using the right tools and techniques, you can effortlessly decorate your stucco walls with your favorite pictures, adding a personal touch to your space. 

Remember to consider the weight of the picture and the holding capacity of the hanging method.

With these tips, you can confidently and safely display your memories and artwork, giving your home a personalized and vibrant look. This article has explored how to hang pictures on stucco walls without drilling.

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