How to Run Ethernet Cables Between Floors Without Drilling

Ethernet cables are like the express lanes for our computers’ internet traffic, making sure everything we do online happens fast and smoothly. Unlike Wi-Fi, which can sometimes feel like a congested road with all its interruptions, Ethernet provides a direct and uninterrupted connection. But what if you need that speedy connection on a different floor in your home or office?

How to Run Ethernet Cables Between Floors Without Drilling

You might think about drilling holes to run the cables through, but that’s not always the best solution. Drilling can be a hassle, it can be costly, and it’s not ideal if you’re renting or if your building is old. Plus, keeping your space intact and avoiding unnecessary damage is always a good idea.

So, how can we use this internet “highway” across different floors without turning to the drill? There’s a smart and simple way to do it, and I’m here to guide you through. This article will show you, step by step, how to run ethernet cables between floors without drilling.

This method is not only kinder to your wallet and your time, but it also keeps your building in good shape. Let’s dive into how you can achieve this with minimal fuss and maximum efficiency.

Tools We Need to Run Ethernet Cable Between Floors Without Drilling

So, you’ve decided to set up an Ethernet cable between floors without making any holes? Smart choice! Here’s a handy list to make sure you have everything you need to get the job done smoothly:

  • Ethernet cable (make sure it’s long enough)
  • Sticky cable clips
  • Cable covers or channels
  • Paint or matching wallpaper (if you want it to blend in)
  • Small ties for bundling cables
  • A tape measure (to get the lengths right)
  • Scissors or special cutters for the cable

And there you have it! Once you’ve gathered all these items, you’re all set to start. Remember, the right tools make everything easier. At the end of the day, you’ll have a neatly set up Ethernet without any messy holes or visible cables. Happy setting up!

How to Run Ethernet Cables Between Floors Without Drilling

Running Ethernet cables between floors without drilling is not just doable; it’s a smart and tidy solution for anyone looking to keep their space connected and clutter-free. Here’s a straightforward guide based on years of experience with Ethernet cables, designed to help you get the job done right:

Plan the Route

First things first, planning is key. Take a good look at your space and figure out the best path for your cables. A simple drawing showing where your devices are and the shortest route between them can save you a lot of time and keep things neat.

Use Door Edges and Wall Lines

Your home is full of natural hiding spots for cables. The areas under doors and along the edges of walls are perfect for this. Secure your cables in these spots with adhesive clips to keep them out of sight and neatly organized.

Run Ethernet Cables 
from Door Edges

Use Cable Covers

Cable covers are your cables’ best friends. They protect your cables and keep them hidden, whether on walls or floor edges. When moving from one floor to another, these covers are a lifesaver.

Use Cable Covers

Hide Under Carpets

If you have carpets! The edges of carpets are great for hiding cables. Just lift the edge slightly, tuck your cable underneath, and you’re all set. This way, the cable stays hidden and safe from being stepped on.

Hide Ethernet Cables Under Carpet

Behind Furniture

Take advantage of the space behind your furniture. Running cables behind bookshelves or wardrobes keeps them out of sight, making for a cleaner look, even over long distances.

Running Cables 
Behind the Furniture

Air Vents Trick

Though it might seem a bit unconventional, air vents can provide a great pathway for your cables, especially for longer distances. Just ensure the cable doesn’t block any airflow to keep your ventilation system effective.

Using Air Vents

Use Stairs

Stairs can be more helpful than you think. Look for hidden spots or the sides of your staircase where you can run cables discreetly, connecting different floors without anyone noticing.

Make it Blend In

After laying out your cable, step back and check for any exposed parts. You can use paint or wallpaper that matches your walls to cover any cable covers, helping everything blend smoothly into your room.

By following these steps, you can enjoy the benefits of a strong wired connection without compromising the look of your space. Here’s to a clean, connected home or office, free from the mess of visible wires!


Running an Ethernet cable between floors sans drilling is not only achievable but also cost-effective and efficient. We have explored how to run ethernet cables between floors without drilling.

The methods outlined above not only protect your home or office’s structural aesthetics but also ensure a reliable, high-speed connection throughout. With careful planning, the right tools, and a touch of creativity, you can seamlessly integrate your connectivity solutions into your space.

For more info about drilling, Please visit – Drill Valley

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