
How to Drill out A Storage Cylinder Lock

Alright, let’s talk about how to drill out a storage cylinder lock. I know, it might sound like a tough job, something you’d rather leave to the experts. But there are times when you just don’t have that option. Maybe you’ve lost your keys or the lock is stuck and won’t open. Whatever the reason, drilling out the lock can be a simple way to get back into your storage without too much trouble.

How to Drill out A Storage Cylinder Lock

In this guide, we’re going to cover why you might need to drill out a lock in the first place. Then, I’ll walk you through how to do it step by step. I want to make this as easy as possible for you, focusing on what you need to do and how to stay safe while doing it. By the end of this, you’ll have the knowledge you need to handle this task on your own, confidently.

How to Drill Out A Storage Cylinder Lock 

Drilling out a storage cylinder lock is a straightforward process that you can undertake when you’ve lost the key or the lock is malfunctioning. This guide will walk you through the steps, ensuring you can do it safely and efficiently.

Gather Your Tools

First, you need to collect a few essential tools. An electric drill is crucial for this job. Make sure you also have a metal drill bit, which is specially made for drilling through metal locks. Don’t forget safety goggles and gloves to protect your eyes and hands from any flying metal pieces.

Safety First

Before you start drilling, make sure to put on your safety glasses. Drilling metal can create sparks and send small pieces of metal flying, so it’s essential to protect your eyes.

Identify the Lock Type

Take a good look at your lock. There are many types of storage cylinder locks, but they usually have a similar build. Knowing the type of lock you have helps you figure out the best spot to drill.

Identify the Lock Type

Position the Drill Bit

The best place to start drilling is usually at the top of the lock, where you would normally insert the key. Place your drill bit here. Begin with a moderate speed setting on your drill to avoid any sudden movements that might cause harm or damage.

Position the Drill Bit

Start Drilling

Press the drill lightly against the lock and start drilling. It’s important to use a steady, gentle pressure. Pushing too hard might break your drill bit or damage the lock. You aim to cut through the pins inside the lock.

Press the Drill Lightly Against
the Lock and Start Drilling

Increase the Speed Gradually

As you drill further, you can slowly increase the drill’s speed. You’ll notice it gets easier to drill as you break through the lock’s pins.

Increase the Speed Gradually

Clearing the Debris

Now and then, stop drilling and clean away any metal bits or debris. This helps you see how far you’ve drilled and keeps the drill bit from jamming.

Final Steps

When you’ve drilled through the lock, it should open easily. Use a flat-head screwdriver to turn where the lock’s mechanism is, and the storage unit should unlock.

Consider a Professional

If you feel unsure about doing this yourself, or if the lock seems too tough, think about getting a professional locksmith. They have the right tools and know-how to do the job without harming your storage unit.

Drilling out a storage cylinder lock is a practical skill that can be very useful in emergencies. By following these steps and prioritizing safety, you can successfully open a locked storage unit when necessary. Remember to replace the lock afterward to ensure your storage remains secure.

Precaution While Drilling Out A Storage Cylinder Lock

Safety is key when drilling out a storage cylinder lock. Always wear safety goggles and gloves to protect your eyes and hands from flying metal pieces and debris. It’s crucial for preventing injuries.

Choose the right speed for your drill. A speed that’s too high can overheat the drill bit and damage the lock, while a too-slow speed might not be effective.

Applying the right amount of pressure is important too—too much force can break the drill bit or damage the lock, but gentle, steady pressure is usually just right.

Make sure you work in a well-lit area for better visibility and precision. This helps you see clearly and avoid mistakes.

Keep your stance stable while drilling. Stand firmly and balance your weight to prevent slips and ensure effective drilling.

Check your surroundings for safety hazards, like flammable materials, especially when using an electric drill.

If you feel unsure at any point, it’s better to stop and consult a professional locksmith. There’s no shame in asking for help if you’re not confident in your drilling skills.

By following these safety tips, you’ll not only do the job right but also keep yourself safe.


Learning how to drill out a storage cylinder lock is a valuable skill that can save you both time and money in various challenging situations. This task requires patience, the right tools, and a careful approach, but it’s something most people can accomplish with a bit of guidance.

Safety should always be your top concern, so it’s important to take all necessary precautions to protect yourself during the process.

Whether you’re facing an issue with a lost key, a jammed lock, or need to access a locked storage unit under urgent circumstances, this guide is designed to provide clear, step-by-step instructions to help you efficiently and safely resolve these common lock-related problems.

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